10 Tips to Reduce Your Stress

Life can get hectic sometimes. We're constantly pulled in a million directions trying to keep up with everything that's happening and the endless list of things we need to get done. (If I can train the dog to fry bacon, I can sleep for 15 extra minutes...)

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It can be exhausting. And when we get exhausted, we stop taking care of ourselves. And when we stop taking care of ourselves, every aspect of our lives begin to suffer. As human beings, we need rest. We need relaxation. We need to give our batteries a chance to recharge and our brains a chance to just turn off for a while.  If not, you're headed for an inevitable meltdown. (What's wrong, Clarence? Nothing rhymes with orange, and EVERYTHING IS GARBAGE!) 
Don't be like Clarence. Practice some self-care and take the time to relax. Your friends and family will thank you.

(But how do I relax? It seems impossible! Is there perhaps... I don't know... a 10 point list or something I can follow?  It's your lucky day, Clarence!)
To make life easier, we've put together this list of 10 tips to Take Your Chill Up a Notch.

1. Check in With Yourself (and actually listen to what you have to say)


We put it first on our list because we consider it the most important one. It is vitally important that you check in with yourself regularly. So often, we get so busy listening to the needs of those around us that we forget to listen to ourselves. You can't take care of anyone (or anything) else if you don't take care of yourself first. Regularly checking in with yourself (and actually listening to what you have to say) helps make sure your own needs are being met so you can go out and take care of business.

Take time every day to touch base with yourself and find out how you're doing and what you need. (And actually pay attention to what you tell yourself.) If you're worn down, it's ok to take a break. It's ok to say "No" to something. It's ok to take care of yourself. 

2. Unplug


From the moment we wake up, we are perpetually plugged in to our devices. Social media has become a window into the lives of other people that we can look through whenever we want. (And, it turns out, we want to all the time.) We check our news feeds as soon as we wake up to make sure we didn't miss anything that happened to someone else while we were sleeping. We sit on our lunch breaks scrolling through other people's lives wishing we were doing whatever they're doing. We go home at night and dream about being someone else. 

Don't do it. Unplug every once in a while.

"Comparison is the thief of joy." Stop comparing your life to the heavily curated ones you see online. And start taking time to enjoy the life you're actually living. You'll be glad you did.

3. Crank the Tunes


There are endless studies about the effects of music on the human psyche. We'll save you all the research and reading and just sum it up for you: Listening to music you love is good for your brain!  (Surprising no one.)

According to Science Daily, listening to music activates every known part of the human brain. It also has a very obvious and measurable effect on your mood. Listening to music you enjoy (especially higher-tempo music in a major key) actively improves your state of mind and your mood along with it.

Take advantage of this knowledge by making music a regular part of your day. Put together a playlist of songs that lift your mood and turn it on whenever you need a boost. (For example: A playlist for the last hour of your workday can help the time fly by and keep your mindset positive.) 

Find the places in your day where your mood seems to start to dip, and counter those moments by jamming out to some tunes you love.

4. Make Space for Yourself


Whether you've got kids, roommates, or just your significant other, eventually you're going to need some alone time. We all do. It's perfectly normal. Make an effort to to find (or make) a space that's just for you where you can relax and decompress. 

It doesn't have to be anything elaborate. It doesn't even have to be a room. But it should be a place that's yours. Arrange it the way you want. Decorate it with things that you enjoy or items that have positive memories associated with them. 

Even if it's just a corner of your bedroom, having a space that's just for you can be a relaxing refuge when you need a few moments away from it all.

5. Make a List


As things start to pile up, it can be extremely easy to become overwhelmed. The more stuff that gets added to the pile, the more you feel like you're drowning. Throw yourself a life-preserver by getting into the habit of making lists.

It seems easy (because it is) but it's also incredibly effective. A list of everything you need to accomplish (and the steps you'll take to get them done) takes what seems like an unconquerable mountain of things you haven't done yt and formats them into a manageable, actionable list. So you can focus on checking off the steps to success rather than obsessing about all the seemingly-daunting tasks you have yet to start.

6. Take Time to Be Grateful

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Your mindset matters. So pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day. It can be terribly easy to fall into the habit of complaining to yourself about all the things you don't like in your life. The problem is, once you start doing that it becomes increasingly difficult to stop.

Instead of spiraling out about all the things in your life that aren't exactly the way you want them to be, try taking time to think about the things you're grateful for. Being intentional about acknowledging the positive things in your life that you appreciate will help keep things in perspective for you. Once you get into the habit of grateful thinking, you'll find you spend less time stressing about the things in your life you wish were different. And less stress = more relaxing. (We're so good at math.) Being Thankful... It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore.

7. Sweat it Out

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Despite how you might feel about it, exercise is a highly effective way of dealing with stress. (But I hate it! We all do, Clarence. Do it anyway.) The chemicals released in your brain when you physically exert yourself naturally help to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Plus, it can be a great outlet for all of the "nervous energy" that makes you want to pace or pull your hair out when you're worrying.

It may not be the most fun thing in the world, but exercise is undoubtedly effective at combatting stress. So, next time you find yourself overwhelmed by worry, take a break to sweat it out. You'll be surprised how much better you feel by the time you're done.

8. Tune In. Turn Off. Chill Out.


Never underestimate the power of turning off your brain for a while. Sometimes, when your stress gets to be overwhelming, the best course of action is just to give your brain a break from it all. (But it's hard! Have you ever tried to make yourself relax and not think about anything? It's a paradox! We know.)  When you've got worries on the brain, it's hard to keep them out of your thoughts despite how hard you may try. In these cases, we recommend indulging in a little mindless distraction.

A TV show or movie can be just the thing when you're looking to take your mind off of your real world worries for a few hours and relax. Find something that's engaging to you and then just let yourself get lost in it for a bit. It may feel like you're wasting time, but actually the time you spend absorbed in the plot of whatever you're watching is time where your brain is recuperating.

A few hours later, when you come back to whatever was worrying you, you'll find it's not as overwhelming as it was before. Next time you're stuck in a cycle of stress, don't worry. Just tune in, turn off, and chill out.

9. Pets are a Plus

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Dogs. Cats. Fish. Lizards. Hamsters. Rocks. Whatever your pet of choice may be, if you want to cut down on your stress levels you should definitely consider getting one. Having a pet provides you with a source of affection and positive companionship. Which does wonders for reducing your stress.  (They also need regular exercise, which gives you more incentive to try tip 7.)

Head to your local animal rescue where you'll find plenty of potential pets just waiting to shower you with love and attention. Once you bring a pet into your life, you will be surprised how positive and rewarding an experience it can be. Plus they're just plain adorable. 

If pets aren't an option for you, no worries. The internet is full of videos of animals being great. Before you realize it, you'll be smiling without even knowing you're doing it. 

10. Get Social and Stay Social.


Last, but definitely not least, if you're struggling with stress try being more social.

Human beings need to socialize in order to thrive. We don't do well when we're isolated. Getting out of the house to spend time with friends and family can be just the boost you need to get you out of that worry rut you've been stuck in.  Spending time with other human beings you care about can help put your worries into perspective. Plus, spending time with loved ones releases chemicals in your brain that help combat stress and anxiety!

(But I don't feel like being around other people when I'm worrying. I just want to be alone!) We get it. When you're feeling overwhelmed with stress, going out and being around other people can sound exhausting and undesirable. But it really does do wonders for your stress and anxiety. You have to fight the natural inclination to isolate yourself. Despite how much you may just want to lay in the dark and obsess about the ever-growing list of things that are worrying you, being around even just one other person can make all the difference.

Next time you find yourself really struggling to let go of your worries and relax, think about getting social instead of getting stressed.


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Sometimes the solution to dealing with stress is just to take some time to Treat Yo' Self! Life is hard. And your'e doing the best you can! It's important to take the time to reward yourself for your efforts and celebrate the victories (however large or small). 

You'll find that when you create a reward system for yourself, you'll be more proactive about dealing with stress when it arises. 

There are tons of ways you can treat yourself, but we highly recommend ShopEngraveItHouston.com. Right now, when you use code "RELAXANDSAVE" you can SAVE 15% on all orders!

Life can be overwhelming. And, if you're not careful, it's very easy to get swept away in a river of worries. Don't let that happen. Be proactive about your relaxation and practice these 10 tips for reducing stress. And be sure to  let us know which ones work best for you!